Monday, July 5, 2010

Today is Monday so I guess you would be expecting Jordan's 10 things she is thankful for but instead you are going to get 10 things Will is thankful for!

31. World Cup, it gives me a reason to talk soccer all the time

32. My Dad (tomorrow is his 57th birthday)

33. Walks with Grady

34. Long weekends, this weekend I had Friday and Monday off and it was so nice to hang out

35. Matt and Alyssa's new house, it is so nice I am so happy for them

36. My beautiful wife, she makes me smile everyday

37. Jordan getting on one of her cleaning sprees, there won't be anything that is not Cloroxed

38. July 4th! It is always nice to be around family and friends plus the FIREWORKS

39. My job, I love what I do

40. Quizzing Jordan about the outdoors, even though I know it gets on her nerves.

There you go Will's first 10 things and his first post. Jordan promises that she is going to catch up with her posts soon. Have a good day!

1 comment:

  1. When I first read this I saw "my dads bday" and I panicked thinking we forgot Matt's dads bday...haha! Just a little second of panic :) Glad to hear from Will on the blog!
