Monday, June 14, 2010

One Thousand Gifts

So, I am being a copycat but I always enjoyed reading Courtney's posts called One Thousand Gifts and I wanted to take the challenge as well! Almost everyday, especially Mondays, I find myself running around trying to get everything done, but rarely do I stop and really think about all the wonderful things in my life. God has blessed me in so many many of which I take completely for granted. My goal is to list ten blessings in my life every Monday and hopefully reach 1000! They will be little things that I am thankful for and are in no particular order.

1. my husband's amazing dance parties
Those who know Will, know how hyper he can be, and it often comes out in the form of a dance.

2. trying new recipes

3. summer vegetables

4. the smell of bleach, and all things clean

5. Grady (my dog) taking a nap on my lap

6. evening walks with Will

7. talking to friends on my drive to and from school or work

8. my job with DSS for the summer, I am learning so much

9. lazy Sunday afternoons

10. living in a city where everyone else goes on vacation
Usually this is not a blessing because of all the traffic, but this week I get to see Will's family and my friend Natalie because they are both down here for vacation.


  1. yay! you made a blog! I am following!! can't wait to see yall in August!

  2. i made it to 100 gifts and gave up :(
    can't wait to keep following your blog!

  3. This is such a great idea!

    It is great to take the time to sit down and remember how blessed we are. I love it!
